Alien dashboard for humanity

Vishal Gupta - DIRO
7 min readNov 12, 2017


The universe has been here for 14 billion years with about 10²⁴ stars. It’s a number humans can not comprehend because we never deal in such large numbers. So an easy way to understand it is to divide it by the number of humans we have on this planet. So, even that number is about 30 trillion stars per person on this planet. What that means is if we want to explore the universe in the future we would only have 1 person per 30 trillion stars to scan it or represent humanity as an ambassador. On the contrary, it would be difficult to imagine less than one alien civilisation per trillion stars out there. Assuming these exist, then the chances 50% of them running more than a million years ahead and the other a million year behind in technology is very likely. What would an advanced civilisation look like ? The best way to judge that is to see where our technology is headed in a million years and look at evolution of species in respect to core building blocks.

Energy revolutions

Humans started to control fire a 125,000 years ago. They first used it to transform the food that made human brain evolution possible and took humans to a different path as opposed to other animals. You will notice no other animal species cook their food and thus lack the energy to fuel the intelligence that humans have.

Then, humans learnt to tap other animals for external energy like horses, elephants, bulls and eventually settle as an agricultural society.

Then next breakthrough — was when humans learnt to channelize energy through steam engine that led to the industrial revolution. It led to massive substitution of human energy with industrial machinery.

The fourth breakthrough — came in with the invention of electricity. Humans could now regulate and flow energy to long distances that were earlier not possible. It provided variable control on energy for the first time. We could bundle basic intelligence inside electricity flows.

The fifth revolution — came in form of atomic energy. This revolution as such is incomplete due to the negative consequences it posed to the species. Otherwise the real promise of atomic power is unlimited portable energy at will.

The sixth revolution — in energy is solar. This allows the species to truly decentralise. We do not have to carry the fuel or electricity to remote places. Now people and devices can be anywhere and stay unconnected. Homes, vehicles, or devices can stay remotely powered without limits of fuel capacity.

The next revolution — wireless energy. Where energy can be remotely fed to devices.

The future — quantum energy, where energy could be wirelessly transported to remote places without distance limitations.

Communication revolutions

Oral communication is the most native form of collaboration across all species.

Humans were the first and the only ones to start written communication about a few thousand years ago. This allowed humans to communicate over time and location. A huge advantage that led to all the scientific progress. The ideas now became additive over time. One could record history and learnings for generations to come. Communicate over distance without degradation of the message. Accumulate a volume of related ideas.

The next big revolution was mass media (1-to-many)— printing press allowed humans to communicate over masses and over time. It allowed ideas to spread more uniformly. It allowed the society to stay in sync every morning through the news paper. Students to have access to a common body of knowledge. Basically it allowed humanity to get in sync for the first time.

The third revolution was real-time long distance communication (1-to-1) — telephone allowed 2 people over a long distance to sync up in real time which would other wise take months.

The fourth revolution was wireless realtime mass media(1-to-many) — radio was again a mass-media revolution that allowed large populations to stay tuned in real time but over a limited area.

The fifth revolution of visual mass media (1-to-many) — television transformed the society by long range visual communication that could be also real time and for mass consumption. Video was part of the same space but allowed communication over time with mass public.

The sixth revolution was voluminous data exchange (machine-to-machine)— where large amounts of data could instantly be exchanged allowing real time commerce and markets to expand globally. This included cryptography as an added means of trust in this layer.

The seventh revolution wireless — where one could talk to any one on the planet while roaming freely. It was further adapted to all other forms of communication be it mass media or machines or people.

The eight revolution the many-to-many communication over internet — this allowed for the first time for public to engage in a many-to-many form of communication as apposed to 1-to-many or 1-to-1 in all other forms. It allowed instant collaborative knowledge creation across distance and time in a decentralised form.

The ninth revolution many-to-one — block chain allows permanent decentralised record of consensus to emerge between unlimited remote stake holders. Causing species wide consensus and governance possibilities.

The tenth revolution many-to-one over time — smart contracts is a consensus about a future event and its outcomes.This allows species wide agreement on future events to be hard coded.

The interstellar communication — quantum communication will allow us to extend real time communication over inhuman distances measured in light years. This is necessary for humanity to be space faring. It will allow real-time collaboration during space missions and remote colonisation.

Remote viewing — quantum communication one day would allow us to see anything from anywhere across space and perhaps across time.

Communication over time — as we can see most communications have been across space or time but only allowing real-time and from past to future. One could read about the past and communicate to future readers. As our technology progresses, quantum communication would further allow future events to be made more certain by dictating the past. This is the holy grail for humanity to become future proof and timeless. This can be achieved by information leaks into the past creating a feedback loop.

Intelligence revolutions

To understand intelligence one needs to appreciate knowing reality as an intrinsic component. Without the correct facts even the world’s largest super computer would look like unintelligent. And also without the end goal even google maps can not tell you directions even if know all the facts and has all the cloud power.

So intelligence = computing + reality + intention.

It all started with humans discovering fire and achieving the ability to process complex tasks. It started recording facts and beliefs that was a personal reality. It used this knowledge to pursue the primary intention of maximising survival.

Then came along shared reality — where communities (based on advancement of communication) started having common facts and intention.

Scientific reality — was the first breakthrough and mass agreement on testing assimilating facts or knowledge into human civilisation.

Mass reality — was a result of mass media and mass communication technologies. There evolved a shared state of human intelligence mostly now in form of internet.

Market intelligence — pricing of known facts and intentions resulting in delegation of autonomy and resources to drive future intentions using crowd intelligence.

Broad computing milestones —

Machine computing — was invented during intense world war as a survival instinct to break communication code of warring parties and there has been never looking back.

Auxiliary machine intelligence — think of smart phones and cloud as a means to have unlimited portable machine intelligence anytime, anywhere. They act as auxiliary interface to the singularity or mass intelligence of humanity. Advanced auxiliary machine intelligence — where the machines can accept wider input from reality and process wide band of data. However, it remains devoid of its creating its own intention. Example autonomous cars.

Fact deduction engines — Machine learning allowed computers to quickly deduce facts given the intention using mathematics.

Future of intelligence—

Future Autonomous intelligence — where a machine have the option to autonomously choose its intention. It will be subject to mass agreements and protocols as bounds within which it can operate like humans for co-existence.

Fact Markets — wherein each fact, knowledge or news can be bet against. The primary purpose of humanity is to increase intelligence by uncovering the true reality. In post intelligence revolution and 3d printing — every research project or news item will have a betting market. Evidence and research will be rewarded base on quality and decisiveness. It may counter fake news that today threatens the human survival itself.

Quantum Intelligence — is a possible phenomena that is controversial today but much in practise by great leaders. The power of intention influences the facts of the reality. It is an accepted fact that reality is built on quantum phenomena with no hard underling past/facts. Every fact is a probability and an outcome of intention/observation. The past events remain variable and are determined by the future.

Where are all the aliens?

If there are 30 trillion stars per person on this planet then there must be at least 1 alien civilisation per person on this planet. And with this rate of growth in the last 100 years we must have really caught there attention. With those many civilisations out there and half of them being a million or billion years ahead in technology. They would exactly predict how fast we would develop and perhaps how fragile we are today. Its very unlikely they would be hostile at all because any species that would be hostile and develops technology would end up self-destructing. For any species to survive decentralised technology would have to be very cooperative, compliant and caring for each others.

The chances are that all these advanced civilisations would already possess far advanced language translators than ours. They already know everything about us but would not talk to us or share or even inspire any technology even by mistake till we learn to co-exist and especially learn to care for other species that are less powerful than us. They can see how archaic and cruel we are to animals and what we can do to less fortunate species. We would hardly be called civilised in their terms and probably quarantined as barbarians under some inter-galactic mandate.

If we want first contact to happen then we need to stop cruelty to animals and need to become non-violent species.



Vishal Gupta - DIRO
Vishal Gupta - DIRO

Written by Vishal Gupta - DIRO

Lets engineer the era of truth, global justice, universal basic income and make this world more liveable. I am techy, infinte learner, serial enterpreneur....

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